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  • Writer's pictureKevin Menelas

homework update.

I seriously cannot get my version of pong to work right. I can't get the CPU paddle to bounce off the top of the screen or the ball to pounce off the paddles. For some reason the Player paddle only works when it wants to and I don't know why because I never changed. the code for it. Here is the code itself:

var paddle1X;

var paddle1Y;

var paddle2X;

var paddle2Y;

//ball variable

var ballSize

var ballY

var ballX

var ypaddleSpeed

var xpaddleSpeed

var xSpeed

var ySpeed

var ballSize

var ballX

var ballY

var paddleSize

function setup() {

// put setup code here\

createCanvas(1250, 620);

paddle1X = 100;

paddle1Y = 100;

paddle2X = 1150

paddle2Y = 100

ballSize = 100

ballX = 625

ballY = 100

xSpeed = 5;

ySpeed = -2;

paddleSize = 600

paddle2Y = 4

xpaddleSpeed = 0

ypaddleSpeed = 4


function draw() {


fill( 240, 0, 150);

rect(paddle1X, paddle1Y, 10, 400);

fill(0, 150, 250);

rect(paddle2X, paddle2Y, 10, 400);

fill(255, 228, 0)

ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballSize, ballSize)

ballX += xSpeed;

ballY += ySpeed;

paddle2Y += ypaddleSpeed

paddle2X += xpaddleSpeed

if (paddle2Y > paddleSize/2){

ypaddleSpeed = - ypaddleSpeed;

if (paddle2Y < paddleSize/2){

ypaddleSpeed = - ypaddleSpeed;


if (ballY < ballSize/2){

ySpeed = - ySpeed;


if (ballY > ballSize/2){

ySpeed = + ySpeed;


if ((ballY > (100-ballSize/2)) && (ballX > (paddle1X - paddleSize/2)) &&

(ballX < (paddle1X+paddleSize/2))){

ySpeed = -ySpeed;

if ((ballY > (1150-ballSize/2)) && (ballX > (paddle2X - paddleSize/2)) &&

(ballX < (paddle2X+paddleSize/2))){

ySpeed = -ySpeed;

function keyPressed(){

if (keyCode === UP_ARROW){

paddle1Y -= 10;


else if(keyCode === DOWN_ARROW){

paddle1Y += 10;







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